Jonas' Story

I didn’t feel Jonas move at 1am in the morning on June 11, 2010 like he normally does, his 3.5 year old brother Jackson didn’t move much during the last couple of weeks so figured all was well. I woke up a a few hours later at 4am and just felt like something was wrong. I drank 2 powerades and ate a granola bar so I had some sugary things in my system to make him move. He just wouldn’t kick. I kept pushing my stomach trying to get him move and I started to get really worried. I woke up my husband and told him I was going to Labor & Delivery, but I’m sure everything is fine and he could stay home because Jackson was still asleep. The hospital is only a mile away.

I was 100% positive I was just paranoid. I got to Labor and Delivery. They put me in a room and the ultrasound tech came in and said before she began she is not allowed to tell me the results, she said the doctor had to. She began to scan my stomach and I could just feel something was wrong. I told her, please just tell me. She wouldn’t look at me, and I told her again, please tell me. She then turned around and I saw tears running down her face. My heart sunk, it was horrible. She said I needed to call my husband. I started to hyperventilate and almost threw up. I just kept praying it was a nightmare and hoping I would wake up. From that moment forward all I could think about was Jackson and how devastated he would be. He has been talking about his baby Jonas coming home soon for months. Jackson even picked his brothers name when we found out it was a boy at my 18 week ultrasound. All I kept thinking was how am I going to explain his brother is dead.

My husband came immediately. I told the doctors I wanted a c-section and they said that would put my life at risk. So now I had to endure full blown labor, which seemed unbearable because my labor with Jackson was terrible. But labor was actually very, very easy. They said since I have already had a child everything has been stretched down there and it wold be easier. I didn’t believe them, but I think I only pushed for 8 minutes and it was not too bad. My husband had not cried at all up until this point. But as soon as Jonas came out my husband hit the floor crying. Josh held him for about 20 minutes sobbing.

Jonas looked and felt alive when he came out. He was warm and almost seemed to move, we were just waiting for him to cry like babies are suppose to. It was so hard seeing how much he looked like Jackson. Everything looked like Jack, the only difference was the adorable pitch black hair.

The doctors have ran tests on me and Jonas and have found nothing wrong. Everything seemed perfect. It feels like my whole world has shattered. To this day when I close my eyes or stop thinking about a task I am working on, my mind immediately goes to the moment I saw sweet Jonas come out of me. There is nothing worse in this world than seeing a child that has died. The only way I keep going everyday is my faith in our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. I know I will see our sweet Jonas again. I also find it so comforting to know all our Angel Babies are together. So many people have lost a children. I know these children are watching over us and feel our sadness, but I also know they want us to be happy and they want us to never forget we will see them again.

Josh, Jack & Jonas' hands
Adorable feet.
Josh, Jonas and My hand


  1. I am so sorry for your loss Jen I had a miscarriage I know it's different but it's still hard! I am married with 3 girls of our own I know what it's like to feel alone at times as well . Please feel free to add me to Facebook if love to talk to you and become friends. My name is Angela Travis from ontario canada my profile picture is of my German Shepard that passed away! Look forward to talking with you
    God Bless

    1. PLEASE friend me on FB .. SAME name I would love to support u and be your friend.. I KNOW what it's like to be rejected by family and alone.. But since of my best family are my friends.. Truly blessed by God to be able to be there for others.. My heart cried and rejoiced for u . your strength.. Your heart..

  2. I saw your story. So sorry for your loss and pray all is well.

  3. Read your story after watching the show. Feel free to add me to facebook. I would love to talk with you and let you know that people care! A little hello how are you doing today may seem small to some but can mean so much to others.
    My profile picture is of my daughter on a horse. My Name it Tammy Campbell Campbell Gallant.
    Hope to hear from you!
    Take care

  4. I seen your story on tv. Broke my heart I literally cried. I been pregnant 11 times myself lost 3 but gave birth to 8. I can't imagine going through it on my own. OMG you can add me on FB I will be there for you and your family love to talk to you if you like. My FB name Patty Lopez I live in San Diego. :)

    1. :) i felt the same way. I wanted to reach out and let it be known I would LOVE to always be there for support 24:7

  5. Hi Jen! I watched you on TLC and it moved me so much. I tried to look you up to sms privately but has no luck on Twitter or FB. I hope your open to talking w me and will reach out my Twitter is @virtiniųPasta @Asta28832509 FB: Asta Martyna I hope you reach out and talk :) best of luck

  6. Sorry for your lost i was just watching the secretly pregnant happy for you now josh and you with you guys two little boys i try to find you on Facebook but no luck god bless you and your little family keep the faith and be safe.

  7. Jen it's driving me crazy I know ALOT of years have passed but somehow we know each other. We've both been through alot & my memory slips sometimes. Please message me back!

  8. I have been googling your story for about an hour.i saw your episode and immediately had to find you.your story touched my heart.i would love to chat with you if that's ok and be friends.i dont know if you still check this but i pray you do.i pray all is well wjth you and your beautiful family.hope to talk with you soon!💜

  9. Hi Jen! Im Heather and like others who have commented Ive been searching the internet for you so I could reach out and express my condolences and my congratulations. Its been years since your show but I just wanted you to know I would love to get to know you and your family. Not having people you can reach out to or close family isnt easy when you need that support and someone you have that will be there whenever you need it. Positive or negative. My heart goes out to you and im praying life is going good for you and your family. Just know that you have a huge group of people now thanks to the show that are wanting to be your friend. I would love an update on you and how life has been since the show. I pray everything is going good and your boys are growing healthy and you have the family you have wanted for so long. Big hugs to you and please let us have an update!!
